Sunday, May 27, 2007

My grandmother was a pretty good poet I have come to find out. I found several of her works and present them to you now.

"Peace On Earth"

This earth is peaceful once again,
And all the world is gay,
We've fought a bitter battle through
But victory is here to stay.

God hear our prayers for all the boys
Who gave their lives that we
Could have our peace, good will towards man
To keep our country free.

Bless all the Mothers, Fathers too,
That they can stand the day,
When all the sons are coming home,
But theirs are left to stay.

"Cornelia Moody Reeves"


When I am moving from a house,
There is a part of me,
That does not want to go away
But clings to memory.

These walls--This room, all seem so dear,
They are a part of me,
They hold the secrets of my life
To guard eternally.

My little kitchen, snowey white,
This room--My pride and joy
The funny little cookie jar
Has fed my hungry boy.

The nursery too, I bid adieu,
And kneel in silent prayer,
I'll move and leave this house today,
But leave my heart right there.

"Cornelia Moody Reeves"

Gods Little Angels

God came to me in a misterious way,
And whispers in my ear.
"I've a heaven full of angels,
And one that I can spare,
Im sending you the extra one,
Your heart will be filled with joy."
When I opened my eyes this morning,
I fell to my knees in silent prayer,
to thank the God above,
for one of his little angels,
My very own to love.

(This original poem was written by Cornelia Reeves, now Pelletier, on Feb. 6th, 1943 for Micheal Dee Roy Reeves. Micheal was born on Feb. 6th, 1943, He is now at this date ??? 51 years old. He will always be my baby)

"Cornelia Moody Reeves Pelletier"

P.S. Michael Dee Roy Reeves is my father.