Saturday, January 29, 2005

Mornings Are Bad

I am really starting to despise mornings. I wake up with a pounding headache, my neck and shoulders are tied up in knots and my wrists and knuckles swell up, making it painful to grasp anything. I tend to just wait in bed until the pain subsides. So, instead of waking up at 6:30 am every morning, I am getting up at 11:00 or later. It's embarrasing sometimes when friends call and they ask "Did you just wake up? You lazy bastard!". To each his own.

This morning is a little better, I went to bed at midnight and I was able to get up at 6:30. I've had breakfast, taking my meds and I'm now starting to do my neb. I will do my colistin next, then my vest for 30 min., finishing up with Pulmozyme. That will take an hour all together. I'm sure I will take a short nap after this.

I am going out of town for another card game tournament. Yes, Lord of the Rings again. I'm a die hard fan of this card game. It's such a blast to play. I'll have to remember to bring my portable neb and my oxygen just in case. Packing a lunch as well.

My posting has dwindled a little. I've been engrossed in playing Myst III while I do my meds. I usually post at that time. When I beat the game again, I hope to resume posting on a regular basis again.

I'm Done.