Saturday, April 23, 2005

Been a Long Time

Yes, It's been a while since I've posted here. I have been just enthrawled with the online games. I also found a good emulator to play the old Super Nintendo games on my computer too. The website that I found it on has all the games that were ever made for the SNES, and some I've never heard of too. I'm terribly sorry for those who have come without getting an update. Just remember, leaving comments here will notify me that you are eager to hear from me.

I am doing well, I haven't had many problems lately. Been losing sleep a little, but I think its my eating habits too. My appetite is a little sluggish and I haven't been eating like I should.

I think I'm getting the ball rolling with Baylor now. I just sent off the medical release form so they can get the medical records from my 2-3 hospitals that I have been to in the last 3 years. This will give them a little history on me and better prepare a plan for my lung transplant. My goal is to transfer to Baylor hospital and be a patient at their transplant center. The one that I am at currently, if you've read my blog you know this, is requireing a $150,000 deposit and would like me to have $250,000 on hand for after transplant care and prescription drugs.

Please bear with me, I may not post as often as I thought I would, but I do still want to keep this up, at least for my own sake.

I'm Done.