Monday, February 28, 2005

Much Better

I'm doing much better today. My breathing is unrestricted, my nose is no longer dry and I am not coughing constantly anymore either. The Bactrum is working wonders. I am very happy that I called when I did.

Clinic is tomorrow. When I called Wednesday, they told me if I wasn't feeling better by Friday, I would be admitted. I was doing better Friday, so I dodged that one, but now I hope the doctor doesn't admit me just because I haven't been in a while. After being as sick as I was, I won't fight him in his decision, but I don't want to be in the hospital on my birthday either. So, I'm hoping for the best tomorrow.

My father will be here at 11:00 am tomorrow morning to take me to clinic. He went with me last time, and he enjoyed it. I will not have a chance to post before I leave in the morning. I have my morning treatments to do and I will be busy getting ready as well. I will post as soon as I can after clinic.

I'm Done.